NFP Premium Monoblock Filter Of Carbonite Plus Alvito Energy Disc

Monoblock NFP Premium filter cartridge of carbonite plus Alvito energy disc

Artikel ID  1046 Hersteller  Carbonit
graduated prices:
Minimum quantity: 2 EUR 48.00
Minimum quantity: 4 EUR 47.00
Minimum quantity: 5 EUR 46.00

EUR 49.00 *
* Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
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NFP Premium Monoblock Filter of Carbonite Plus Alvito Energy Disc 

This filter cartridge factory in SanUNO, DUO and VARIO delivered.
This activated carbon block filter combines the known adsorptive forces of sintered activated carbon (eg, pesticides) with mechanical filtration (eg bacteria).

Useful life:
The filter cartridge must be after 6 months (according to DIN 1988) on the menu. Basically made within the 6 months to about 10,000 liters of water are filtered. Earlier replacement may be necessary if the water flow is noticeably reduced. An early change is no shortage of the filter used, but a sign of the increased presence of fine particles in the unfiltered water.

Degree of filtration:
about 0.45 microns

about 2 liters per minute (depending on water pressure)

For technical reasons, use only cold water up to max. 20 ° C, protect from frost.

Alvito energy-disc
Small energy-disc with a diameter of about 10.7 cm. Material (PE), design and bio-energetic activation. The power washers are ideal for drinks and for the road: They are small, lightweight, unbreakable and as usual: good in the action. Thanks to its handy size, it will fit in an envelope.

To test the effect of:Take a little fresh lemon juice, other juices, coffee or wine (in this case the effect is particularly pronounced) and fill it into two identical glasses. Make one of these glasses on the energy window and the second at least one meter away. Compare the taste after about 1 minute, the two samples. It is also important that the samples may have never previously been activated with a bioenergetic product in closer contact.
Experience shows that the sample tastes of the energy-disc noticeably fruity, mild, rounder and less acidic than the comparison sample. Even with the energy kinesiology or other bio-resonance measurement methods, a significant improvement can be measured.

For legal reasons, this does not own statements on water recovery, water All are made, but given the statements of the manufacturer. The interested buyer should have formed prior to the purchase of the controversial scientific issue an opinion.

Book Recommendations
Eckhard Weber vitalize water. Drinking enable energize, revitalize (ISBN-10: 3778791680) or Ulrich Holst, The Secrets of the water recovery (ISBN-10: 3928554522)

Item ID 1046
Condition New & with original packaging
Variation ID NFP-Prem+ESch
Manufacturer Carbonit
Manufacturing country Germany
Content 1 piece
Weight 570 g
Net weight 570 g
Dimensions 0×0×0 mm

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