High Premium Reverse Osmosis System with 5 Stage High Premium Reverse Osmosis System-Stage 5-7

High Premium Reverse Osmosis System with 5 Stage

Artikel ID  60041011 Hersteller  Wasserstelle
EUR 499.00 *
* Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
Delivery: 5 days within Europe
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High Premium Reverse Osmosis System 

Our highest-quality system of a U.S. manufacturer, equipped with the best components currently available on the market, such as John Guest quick connectors, housing with double O-rings, Filmtecmembran, faucet with ceramic valve, etc.
Premium product of a great American company with years of experience in the field of water treatment, not a cheap product! American companies have the longest and largest experience in the field of water filtration technology. Of course, all components are NSF certified.

Comparable systems are often traded in the market for two to three times this price.

This system is based on a five-step basic system. There are three classic filter used with standard cartridges. The system can be extended to other cartridges such as bio-ceramic cartridge (FIR) and minerals and any cartridge valves and connections.
The first 10'' prefilter is equipped with a 5 micron cartridge of polypropylene foam. He retains greater mechanical, undissolved impurities and increases the lifetime of the next filter cartridges.
The second filtration stage is a block filter of activated carbon. It removes chlorine, pesticides and many organic contaminants from water. The last pre-filter (3rd stage) filters the smallest impurities with a fineness of 1 micron.
The osmotic membrane (4th stage) removed 96-99% of all pollutants dissolved in water, as well as bacteria and viruses (Dow Filmtec). The Activated carbon post-filter (5th stage) gives the water its characteristic taste of the natural mineral water.
The mineral cartridge (optional 6th stage) increases the water quality due to enrichment of water by minerals. This is to such minerals as calcium, magnesium, Säodium and many others, which can be found in natural mineral water. Amounts of minerals in the filtered water from the reverse osmosis systems with minerals cartridge:

Ca2+  - 34 mg/l Mg2+ - 12 mg/l Na+  - 22 mg/l K+  - 8,5 mg/l CO32- - 10 mg/l SO42- - 0,3 mg/l Cl- - 0,8 mg/l F- - 0,06 mg/l

The bio-ceramic cartridge FIR (optional 7th level) revitalized water.
When the water flows through vitalization cartridge fired ceramic balls in the "dead" reverse osmosis water is revitalized (revitalized). The filtered water is stored in a tank. The reverse osmosis systems come standard with a chrome faucet that is mounted on the sink, and with quick fittings (John Guest) to simplify the connection of the system to water pipe.
These reverse osmosis systems remove up to 99.8% of all pollutants from the water.
Easy installation, ergonomic design, the core of the system forms a multilayer thin-film membrane TFC, which can be achieved together with the activated carbon pre-filter made of polypropylene and a pure water, free of heavy metals, bacteria and viruses.

Touch Flow - silver, standard valve (with hose and nut). Included
Ceramic valve tap - modern faucet with ceramic valve (with hose and nut). additional charge
2-way valve - double valve with ceramic valve (with hose and mother) Surcharge
3-way shut-off cock

Optional features:

Permeate pump
built-in cartridge minerals
built vitalization cartridge
Faucet with ceramic valve
An optional feature with a booster pump (booster) is possible.

Due to the high quality components of this system we can provide a guarantee of 60 months from date of purchase.

First Port 1/2 "main water supply pipes and
Second 3/4 "for the kitchen battery

technical data:

Membrane TFC (thin film) DOW Filmtec TM - the number 1 in the U.S.

Filtration capacity of the TFC membrane:
aluminum 88 - 99%
ammonia 86 - 92%
chrome 96 - 98%
cyanide 92 - 98%
zinc 94 - 97%
cadmium 98 - 99%
manganese 96 - 98%
copper 95 - 99%
nickel 95 - 99%
lead 96 - 98%
silver 86 - 98%
strontium 87 - 90%
iron 98 - 99%
pesticides 99 - 100%
bacteria 99 - 100%


Flow (24 hours): 190 liters (50 GPD) also 75 GPD/280 liters available, minimum dissipation:> 92%
Tap water pressure: 2.8 - 6.0 bar and water temperature: 20 ° C - 40 ° C
Pre-filter: 5 micron
Pre-filter: 1 micron
Activated Carbon Block Filter: 10 micron
Final filter: In-line Activated Carbon Cartridge
Storage tank: 15 liters tank
Quality loads hoses up to 14 bar at 21 ° C.
Weight: 12.1 kg with packaging
Dimensions [cm]: 14.5 x 49.5 x 44 + tank
Quick links (John Guest)

The following accessories are supplied with the device: An ergonomic, chrome touch-flow valve or instead an elegant faucet with ceramic valve (surcharge) or with cross handle, ceramic valves and arch (surcharge) is mounted on the washing machine or sink can be. Universal metal fitting with ball valve and hose, it allows easy and quick connection of the filter at the water inlet pipe. The universal bowl for filter housing (when cartridge replacement is necessary). The Teflon tape is used to seal the threaded connections.

Another accessory must be ordered, without extra shipping costs:
TDS meters: digital readout in ppm
LED red: greater than 50 ppm / 50ppm in green


When buying a water filtration system, you should be picky. You want to be pure water, so that the path of your plant materials are approved for drinking water and release no pollutants into the water.

Decide for yourself whether you purchase a Build Your Own created system (equipped possibly with components of dubious origin) of any company and perhaps save some EUR or whether you are buying a quality product of a global company a bit more expensive, but still significantly lower than other conventional market price.

Finally, it is an investment for many years, and quality has its price!

Here are some hints what you can see high-quality reverse osmosis systems include: High-quality systems to recognize you as because these via quick connectors such as John Guest connectors or Maxtec have, and not only so-called simple JACO fittings. These are inexpensive but also cumbersome screw connections, depending on the material tend to break easily, and where you can hurt yourself as a customer might fingers.
Quality systems often have a faucet with ceramic valve (secure closure, bacteria find it more difficult side of the valve enters the system. Many systems have mostly just a simple toggle-safe ceramic valve faucet without.

On the tube material, the manufacturer, the max. Resilience and the approval for potable water must be seen in low-cost systems, the tubing often only up to 7 bar load.

Pay attention to the installation of high-quality membranes as DOW Filmtec, sometimes low-membranes are installed dubious origin.

In high-quality systems, you often get far more than the statutory period of two years.

Comparable wage costs are much lower in the U.S. than in Germany, can be built in Germany systems still be better off without that was saved elsewhere?


Item ID 60041011
Condition New & with original packaging
Variation ID RX55139415
Manufacturer Wasserstelle
Manufacturing country Germany
Content 1 piece
Weight 8400 g
Net weight 8400 g
Dimensions 0×0×0 mm

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