3x Rayobase ® powder 217 g, 62 Sachets with 3.5 g

3x Rayobase ® powder 217 g, 62 Sachets with 3.5 g

Artikel ID  99031081 Hersteller  Rayonex
EUR 81.00 *
* Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
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3x Rayobase ® powder, 3x 217 g, 3x 62 Sachets with 3.5 g

The supply of minerals, trace elements and vitamins is of great importance for the functioning of our metabolism. But environmental toxins,
food additives, heat treatment and preservation make these vital substances increasingly disappear from our food. On the other hand,

the content of harmful acids is steadily increasing. The consumption of cigarettes and alcohol and particularly physical and psychological
stress also contribute to increased acid production. Man is getting more and more acidic. In addition, there is usually a badly colonized
intestinal flora, the bacteria of which produce further acids. These excess acids rob our body of mineral reserves. We feel tired and listless.
Our efficiency drops. Rayobase® is a base preparation with a balanced combination of base minerals in powder form.
Minerals are essential compounds and therefore indispensable for the human organism. They are used in particular for detoxification by binding
and neutralizing excess acids. In addition to the minerals potassium, calcium and magnesium, Rayobase® contains the trace elements zinc
and silica. Rayobase® is adjusted to a high basic pH value. This high pH value causes a strong polar activity, which results in rapid absorption
and mild regulation of the acid-base balance. * Because the pH value differs from water to water, there may be fluctuations in the pH value
in the ready-to-drink solutions. Daily dose and consumption recommendation: Drink a 3.5 g Rayobase® sachet twice a day, approx. 30 minutes
before a meal or approx. 2 hours after a meal. Pour the contents into a glass with warm water (approx. 250 ml). Stir the mixture with a plastic
spoon. A complete dissolution of Rayobase® is not necessary.

Composition: Sodium hydrogen carbonate, calcium carbonate, magnesium carbonate, potassium carbonate, zinc gluconate;
Silica Minerals in 100 g powder: Calcium: 10.7 g, Potassium: 7.4 g, Magnesium: 5.0 g, Silica: 0.9 g Zinc: 0.2 g
Minerals in 2 sachets (daily dose): Calcium: 750 mg, Potassium: 520 mg, Magnesium: 350 mg, Silica: 60 mg Zinc: 11 mg
Percentage coverage of the daily requirement (according to RDA): Calcium: 94%, Potassium: 26% *, Magnesium: 117%, Silica: - Zinc: 75%
* according to D-A-CH reference values

Item ID 99031081
Condition New & with original packaging
Variation ID Rayobase
Manufacturer Rayonex
Manufacturing country Germany
Content 1 piece
Weight 320 g
Net weight 320 g
Dimensions 0×0×0 mm

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